Einkorn is the most ancient in the wheat family, this amazing grain is much more gentle on digestive systems because of its simpler genetic structure. If you have trouble with wheat, give this a try! LOCAL supplier- grown in Teton!
Genuine organic all-purpose organic flour milled from organic einkorn, the world’s most primitive wheat. Our Einkorn All-Purpose Flour is comparable to a “white einkorn flour”, only most white flours have additives (such as bleach and other chemicals). Our flour does not.
And we also don’t call it “White Einkorn Flour” because its not totally white. It has a characteristically slight yellow tint, which is indicative of einkorn’s high lutein content, a powerful anti-oxidant.
All-purpose flour is not the same as whole grain flour. Whole flour means nothing has been removed. All-purpose flour means the ash and germ have been removed to give it the white (instead of light brown) appearance.